Price Match

Price Match Guarantee

BVV customers can shop with the knowledge they are getting the best price! If you find a product BVV sells on another site, we will try to match the price! On the product you want to price match, click “Price Match”, fill out the requested information, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can send support@shopbvv.com the product information, and we'll get back to you with a promo code to match the competitor’s price if we are able to match it, it's that easy! You can also bypass the store app or email by calling one of our dedicated account managers at 331-281-0154. 

Guidelines and Restrictions:

To get a price match, you have to provide one of the following: a link with the other product’s price displayed on another website, a pricing offer from another company, or a photo detailing the pricing for the same product. Price matches must be made at the time of ordering and are not available retroactively.

Products must be brand new, identical models, and must be made by the same manufacturer. Items must be in stock and available for shipment. Our Price Match Guarantee does not guarantee price matching on products sold on auction sites like eBay or third-party merchants such as Amazon. Our Price Match Guarantee does not apply to closeout sales or related store-closing events, as well as pricing errors made by other vendors. BVV reserves the right to restrict which product offerings are eligible for price matching. Our Price Match Guarantee does not apply to hydroponics or accessory products. This offer cannot be combined or used in conjunction with any other offer.

Price matching will be determined by a competitor's most current retail price and is limited to competitors selling to the general public. 

BVV reserves the right to determine which offers are from legitimate retailers. 

We reserve the right to not price match below our cost. In the event that we cannot meet a competitor's price you will be notified via email or via phone call.  


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